德國雷根斯堡大學University of Regensburg


  1. 本校大二/大三/大四/大五/碩一/碩二/碩三/博一/博二/博三/博四/博五/博六學生。
  2. 選讀英語課程者: (2021/12/7依姊妹校規定調整)
    • 一般英語課程:TOEFL iBT 79或IELTS 6.5或TOEIC 400(聽) + 385(讀)或Cambridge Certificates B2
    • Business, Economics, Management Information Systems, American and Britisch Studies, Englisch Linguistics課程: TOEFL iBT 94 或 IELTS 7.0或TOEIC 870 或 Cambridge Certificates C1
  3. 選讀德語課程者: 
    • In order to follow academic courses taught in German, students should have a sound level of B2 in German. Please note that the medical faculty regards a German level of end of B2/beginning of C1 at the time of their application as the minimum language requirement for their students, especially if they have patient contact. This also applies to the department of German (NOT German as a Foreign Language but German Language and Literature).
    • Students with German knowledge of B2 (according to CEFR) or higher can choose courses from both the German and the English-taught course program during the semester (for language pre-requisites in English, please see below) and are advised to arrive in Regensburg for the regular orientation course.
    • 未能出具德語能力B2的證明者,還是能申請,但需報名付費課程:pre-semester intensive language course (ILC) that takes place in September/October and March/April. The course will take place on at least six different levels (A1-C1). Costs: 320,- Euro for ERASMUS-Students, 400,- Euro for all other exchange students
    • Even after the ILC, the students will in all likelihood lack the necessary pre-requisites to successfully follow courses in German. They should therefore take courses from the English-taught program and/or further classes in German as a Foreign Language. We recommend that students have at least level B2 before they attend German-taught courses.
名額 全學年2名。(限定交換一學年/學期)

Winter Semester: mid-October to early-February
Summer Semester: mid-April to mid-July


In Germany accepted vaccines currently are: Pfitzer/Biontech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson
Students coming to Germany with one of these vaccines count as non-vaccinated and would not be allowed on campus! Please inform your students to get one of the accepted vaccines and be fully vaccinated before coming to Germany. 交換生抵達德國前必須施打上述種類疫苗,不然無法進入校園。 


須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。

課程資訊 https://www.uni-regensburg.de/ur-international/incomings/exchange-programs/course-selection/index.html




https://www.uni-regensburg.de/ur-international/incomings/exchange-programs/index.html (English version)

https://www.uni-regensburg.de/international/incomings/austausch/index.html (German version)