印度加爾各答管理學院Indian Institute of Management Calcutta


  1. 本校碩一/碩二/碩三/博一/博二/博三/博四/博五/博六學生。
  2. TOEFL iBT 79 或 IELTS 6.5。



First semester: September-December
Second semester: December-March

  1. All students in IIMC are proficient in English and is competent enough to undertake any course in the English language. English has been the primary language for all their education. Also, they have been admitted to IIM Calcutta after clearing a competitive entrance examination which had English as a compulsory test area. They were found to be competent to undertake any coursework where English is the language for instruction. Exchange students' proficient in English will not have any difficulty in communicating in English.
  2. It is mandatory for all incoming students to arrive in India on a Student's Visa. Students need to ensure they have the visa when they reach India. Refer to the link below for more details on Indian Visa regulations and requirements: http://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/

須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。


Exchange students get enrolled in the Post Graduate Programme (PGDM courses ONLY). Actual courses offered will be made available before the students arrive for their term at IIMC. Exchange students are enabled to choose as many courses they want; we have no restrictions to that.

1st Year-PGDM https://programslive.iimcal.ac.in/curriculum-i-pgdm

2nd Year- https://programslive.iimcal.ac.in/ii-year-both-pgdm-and-pgdcm


It is mandatory for all students to stay within the campus. IIMC provides hostel rooms for students. Single room accommodation is provided to all our exchange students.


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