美國波士頓學院Boston College


  1. 本校大二/大三/大四/大五學生。
  2. 碩生可申請但只能修讀大學部課程。
  3. TOEFL iBT 79 或 IELTS 6.5。
名額 全學年2名。(限定交換一學年/學期)

Fall semester: August-December
Spring semester: January-May


須請校內代理人依本校註冊程序協助辦理註冊,免繳該校學費,但申請手續費、語言先修課程、課後延伸活動、住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票費等均須自行負擔 。

1. Online Course Catalog: https://services.bc.edu/PublicCourseInfoSched/courseinfoschedHome!displayInput.action

2. 依學生簽證規定,每學期至少修習12學分。

3. While every effort is made to enroll students in the requested courses, there is no guarantee that students will secure their required/preferred courses. Exchange students should not plan to take classes that are required for graduation at their home institution.

4. Due to high demand, the Economics and Finance Departments will enroll students in only one class. There is also a limited range of classes in the following departments:
● Accounting
● Business Analytics
● Communication
● Computer Science
● Information Systems
● Marketing
● Management

On-Campus (抽籤制)
Campus housing is extremely limited. Students interested in on-campus housing will be put in a housing lottery. The Office of Residential Life will contact students directly with their placements. Some dorms require a meal plan and students living on campus must pay the Health Services fee. For additional information, visit: https://www.bc.edu/offices/reslife.html

Private Accommodations
Students who opt for private accommodations will be provided/connected with off-campus housing resources.
Additional information is available at https://www.bc.edu/offices/reslife/offcampus.html
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